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Back Success Story - How to fix your heavy-freight ecommerce operations

How one customer’s thorough internal and operational analysis resulted in record eCommerce sales.


Leading seller of B2B equipment




LTL+: Custom APIs and technological integrations that increased visibility, and provided much needed transparency to end-customers.

  • 400% increase in sales
  • More operational visibility
  • Minimized vendor errors and extra costs

As a kid, I spent my free time fixing electronics and other items around the house. It taught me that to truly fix a problem, I had take everything apart and see it from end to end. Not surprisingly, this simple rule also applies when fixing an eCommerce supply chain.

When a leading retailer of B2B heavy equipment approached us with inefficiencies and losses in their LTL ecommerce operations, I knew immediately what had to be done—take a look their operation from end to end. 

The customer had various issues: billing and invoicing, budgeting and forecasting, LTL vendor complications and, most importantly, high shopping cart abandonment.

Working with the customer, our team held workshops and meetings to analyze their current processes and systems. The goal was to find the pain points and determine where improvements could be made.

Every supply chain has unique challenges. That’s why our solution was tailored to match the customer’s needs, including APIs that integrated with their systems. This connectivity increased visibility for better decision-making and let them add real-time LTL shipping rates to shopping cart functionality.

The result: 400% increase in online sales over 4 years—and exuberant end customers! They now lead the industry with record sales, minimized vendor errors and a highly efficient LTL eCommerce operation.

Retuning a customer’s supply chain is like pulling apart one of those broken radios and tinkering with the parts until crystal clear sound flows out. When they exceed their goals and achieve success, it’s music to my ears.

Want to learn more about how our LTL+ solutions can be tailored to your challenges?  Download our brochure or reach out to our team.